Picture yourself

On a boat on a river….with tangerine trees and marmalade skies…..

I may have mistimed my medicine management today. I took an Ambien when I went to bed which is fairly unusual. Then I took my far more usual 3am ambien. I don’t think I have ever taken two ambien in the same night but it was important to me that I slept. Woke up to take my Boniva and the world feels like it’s a little encased in soft clouds. Also I keep adding r’s to words that I am typing.

Now I am drinking my coffee with my next morning med, BPmed & Dandelion root and it occurs to me that I forgot the thyroid med. Which should be taken on an empty stomach with water only. It just took me SO SO long to type that all. I had to keep going backwards to fix errors.

We have old people stuff to do today. One medical test, not for me, that will take a few hours this afternoon so I am the designated not drugged person. Screwed that up already!

Oooooo cup of coffee #1 finished and I am starting to feel like my eyes are actually all the way open!

I was reading Threads today which is a combination TheExBird site and Instagram. And it occurred to me that for my own sensibilities there are really only three circumstances that warrant me knowing where you fall in the CIS LGIBQT+ spectrum. 1.) if I want to date you 2.) If I want to fix you up with someone to date 3.) oh…..no I cannot think of number 3. Guess I am wrong.

Think I will skip cup of coffee #2 and go workout. It feels like a good to day ride my bycycle too nowhere and stretch all my unstretchy bits.


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