Back in the Saddle


Gained another pound and it’s all fat. Literally. I have the scale that measures muscle to fat and my visceral fat jumped up. After being the same for five years. I’m so annoyed. Visceral fat is just not healthy at all. It’s the ugly fat that sits inside of you and coats your organs. It’s like my metabolism has just stopped. I am falling asleep in the afternoons, and I’m cold almost all the time. And everything just hurts. :(. I had to bring out the blankets for the living room this weekend. If I hadn’t just had a CT scan I would be so much more worried. I’m going to need to go full on fat free as a last resort and see if will stop this unfortunate trend. I have worked too hard to be as healthy as possible to have it all go to hell.


I am on muscle relaxers while I sleep this week to try and release some pinched stuff going on in my jaw and neck. My TMJ has gotten way out of control. So, my sleep is just weird. I don’t think I’m sleeping any heavier, I am taking the lowest dose possible, but last night I had bizarre dreams including one that had Fannie Flagg being miniaturized and then lost.

This part is just for Ohioans. If you see an AD that is this negative and costs this much money you know it’s paid for by giant corporations and lobbyists and you should be very cynical about anything they say. Do your research.

So far I have a quiet week ahead, let’s hope it stays that way.

Be happy, be healthy, be strong.


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