Tag: chemo

  • Where is the moment we needed the most? You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost.

    I had a bad day yesterday. I am not sure what happened. I just crashed. Lost all energy, couldn’t think, couldn’t focus, couldn’t sit up.The only thing I can think is that usually the days after chemo I really take it easy and this time I had things to do every day. Nothing major, nothing…


    I woke up so angry this morning. I mean brow furrowed kick the cat (I never would) angry. Then I took my Boniva with water and had to wait an hour for my normally scheduled coffee. Everything on my body is stiff. Not sore, just stiff. I do not know what I was doing in…

  • Uhg

    It has been a long time since I have been this nauseous after an infusion. :(. After feeling so good the last couple of weeks it caught me off guard. Since I moved to the new infusion center things have gotten a little rocky. I do not know if they are understaffed or if I…

  • Mustard

    Or Catch-Up I am really enjoying Mahjong class! I finished my sewing project. It is not great but it is passable! I learned how to sew in a zipper. It is a bag to hold Mahjong tiles. I also made a small envelope style bag to hold my Mahjong card. When I was making the…

  • Can you my darlin’

    Can you picture this… I had an interesting (to me) realization about my brain at two this morning that I am hoping once I identified the problem I can work toward a solution. I am having trouble picturing things in my head. One of the ways I have always calmed my brain or problem solved…

  • NPH

    Yesterday was a no good very bad day Yesterday was Day #1 after chemo which is the worst day. It also happened to fall on the day I was scheduled to take my monthly Boniva. Based on my previous two months I knew the Boniva would make me feel nauseated. I thought well, might as…

  • Sweating it!

    OFFS! I cannot remember if I already talked about this! One of the things that aggravated me when I counted calories and effort via technology was my lack of heart rate raising. I take beta-blockers for high blood pressure and it made it difficult to raise my HR & BP enough for devices to accurately…


    (And not in the talk like a pirate day) I use to do posts where I just bullet pointed all the things that were aggravating me. Nothing big, just a way to get the complaints out of me and let go. Maybe I should start that again because I can feel the annoyances building up…