I woke up so angry this morning. I mean brow furrowed kick the cat (I never would) angry. Then I took my Boniva with water and had to wait an hour for my normally scheduled coffee. Everything on my body is stiff. Not sore, just stiff. I do not...
Things I don’t have anyone to say to
Just an update
Medical – After six months on the new blood pressure med and tweaking and twitching I went to the Dr and we switched to a different one. The new one is Losartan. So far it is perfect. On a very low dose my BP is low, my feet swelling...
Technical Support
Surprise! I am having a small problem with a device and had to do the online chat tech support. After all this time I know the drill. They open the chat window, usually while having a few others open at the same time, and step two (after greeting) is...
Picture yourself
On a boat on a river….with tangerine trees and marmalade skies….. I may have mistimed my medicine management today. I took an Ambien when I went to bed which is fairly unusual. Then I took my far more usual 3am ambien. I don’t think I have ever taken two...
It has been a long time since I have been this nauseous after an infusion. :(. After feeling so good the last couple of weeks it caught me off guard. Since I moved to the new infusion center things have gotten a little rocky. I do not know if...
And Solution The other morning, as in 4am, during the midst of a four day streak of sleeplessness I started feeling much anxiety because I kept thinking, I want to take a sleeping pill but the problem is in two hours at 6am Frank will wake me up to...
Just keeping notes
My life in sleep I thought this was interesting When I went to bed I took a low dose muscle relaxer. When I woke up at 2:17am I took a low dose Ambien. Four hours in general is how long most sleep meds work for me, I am guessing...
Give me Back my word!
Elitism? I have been holding this in for a couple of years, yes you heard me, years, but I think enough time has passed that we can discuss it like grown-ups. It is one of those weird things that is forever stuck in my head and aggravates me. Now,...
Why German Shepherds do not make good HVAC people My furnace was making noises. It took me awhile to realize it. I just kept following the sound eventually discovering that the blower in the furnace was running, albeit very softly. I thought this was strange, I do not remember...