I fell asleep listening to NPR’s Hidden Brain. It is a great podcast. I always lean something without it being an overload of just information. Last nights was on laughter. What I remember before I fell asleep was interesting and entertaining. Can you imagine being a scientist and studying laughter. 🙂
They were talking about uncontrollable laughter and whenever that subject come up I always remember an afternoon with my sister. It was many years ago and we were sitting at the light at NB Eastgate and Airport Hwy (which is funny since I live a mile away from there now but back then rarely was over here) and we were in her Jeep and on the radio was the George Michael & Elton John version of Don’t Let the Sun go Down on Me and while it was playing my sister suddenly said something about either thunderstorms or tornadoes, and I said something about her getting her weather forecast from the song. And it sent me into a fit of giggles and then she started giggling and for years every single time the song came on I would start laughing. I think I will download some laughter today and experiment with what it does to me playing in the background.
You can tell it is getting chilly because Frank keeps trying to cuddle with the dogs and people.

I wish Benny (who is under the blanket) understood that he just needs to lay still and Frank would be his best friend.
Frank has been with us for six years this week.

Today Dusty will be meeting her new groomer! One of us is very excited, one of us is currently ambivalent.
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