Sweating it!

OFFS! I cannot remember if I already talked about this!

One of the things that aggravated me when I counted calories and effort via technology was my lack of heart rate raising. I take beta-blockers for high blood pressure and it made it difficult to raise my HR & BP enough for devices to accurately track my efforts. This was important to me because it let me know when I was just telling myself I had worked hard and when I was actually working hard. There is a difference. Your brain will lie to you and say you ate 1200 calories today or you walked 19000 steps when it fact you ate 2400 with all the little one off snacks and really you barely walked a mile. I think it is really important as a first step to be honest with yourself. I always encouraged people to track their food not because of the calories per se but for the eye opening effect of honesty to oneself.

So after years of exercise I learned when I was putting in all the effort and when I was half-assing it. One of the ways I knew when I was giving it EVERYTHING was by sweat. I mean really, if I look Ike I got caught in a deluge of rain then you can assume I did as much as I could.

About a while ago (hahahaha – I was going to say a year but honestly it could be two months or two years) I stopped sweating. Just stopped. I could not work out hard enough to sweat. I thought I had just gotten so weak that I could no longer work out hard.

Suddenly now – I sweat again! I also am suddenly able to workout longer. Oh, also I am now longer cuddled up in a hoodie and a blanket on an 80 degree day. The other day I even turned the AC cooler!

I have been thinking about it and two things were changed in my body.

1.) I went back on an Iron supplement. I am taking a childrens dosage once a day.

2.) I added an alkalizing green drink into my daily routine.


I am not sure which of these two things had the most effect but I am not stopping either! I have been sick for the last week and even then I feel better than I have in months when it comes to energy. (Or years, or decades, or weeks, who knows*)

Okay off to shower!

*I have always had issues with linear time for some reason but I will tell you without a doubt anything that happens in the week after chemo screws with my time line memory. That chemo brain shit is real!


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