Readi -Cat Reaction

I am really just writing this so I don’t miss anything when I see my oncologist on Tuesday

Drank Readi-Cat – before I finished I had mild stomach pains

Starting getting very very cold

Within 30 minutes started shivering and shaking uncontrollably. It was very similar to when I went into shock but milder. The shaking lasted for about 90 minutes.

My lower back started hurting quite badly on one side – I was concerned it was kidneys.

My temperature was 97.1 – then went up to 101 and hung out there for about 4 hours.

Tried to get ready to go for CT and I couldn’t stand for more than a couple of minutes before I started blacking out.

Cancelled CT – climbed in bed to get warm – ended up sleeping on and off for 6 hours. Headache and sore. Fever gone.

Edit; according to Fitbit body temp and HR were going up and down for about 18 hours. Slept 16 hours


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