What have you wrought Zeus?

Some things just stick with you. They catch your attention, your imagination or in some way spark something that ignites inside of you. That is what happened with me and Leonard Nimoy’s photography project “Secret Selves”

The concept is pretty simple though many articles make it complicated. We are two people. Who you see, and who we really are, and Leonard Nimoy did a series of photographs with people who showed their second self.

I like this interview for an explanation and insight into the method.

When I first read about it there was a link to a fundraiser that allowed me to buy a t-shirt and get a signed Leonard Nimoy trading card. I love my t-shirt.

I own this one

I have many thoughts on what my own secret self might look like, it really depends on the day. For the sake of artistry I’ll pick this one today.

Celtic Warrior Woman
Celtic Warrior Woman

Have you ever seen your other half?


2 responses to “What have you wrought Zeus?”

  1. Yes. I think I have. I’ve been going within for several years now and still not sure how I would picture myself but I love this blog! I’m going to do some thinkin’ about it.

    1. tlm0000 Avatar

      I will wait patiently to hear who you would be. It’s fun too look at the images that Nimoy took and see the explanations of how other people see themselves.

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