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A babbling brook of a blog
Feeling or Expressing Pensive Sadness I started feeling sad yesterday. A feeling of time getting away from me and feeling my normal positive outlook on just about everything. I know the cause and that fact that it is semi-avoidable makes it worse. I have been feeling SO GOOD the...
Just Monday Musings about feline Ingenue
AKA too much imagination I am sure I have mentioned this before, but we rotate streaming services. We do not watch all of them at the same time, so why pay for all of them. So we just added MAX again after a couple of years without and I...
Half & Half
I am a creature of habit. I do the same basic things in the same order for 80% of my mornings. I have an alternate schedule for the other 20%. After morning the schedule is gone and I flow with the day. But that morning schedule is MINE! Part...
A Toast!
I haven’t typed anything in a month! It was almost more than a month because I was tying away without turning my keyboard on. Things are just plodding along as normal here. Still happily crocheting and playing mahjong. As a matter of fact meeting some friends for Mahjong in...
Muscles not Mussels
I was sitting on the couch this morning discussing with the Tracy who lives in my head what my plans were for the day and I decided to skip morning workout. I was already past my goal for the week so why not. Then I stretched and when I...
Stop Stealing from Me!
I want to complain about something small, but big to me. I have a department from the oncologists group that calls me once a year. It is the pharmacy department. They call me to see if I am having any problems with my meds, and my general welfare. I...
I am tired
I have been working on Retro Daisy Granny Squares. I will make 13 and then (in theory) make them into a nice tote bag that someone requested. Here is the thing… I made four: And then yesterday I could not make them anymore. My brain just could not do...
Or Catch-Up I am really enjoying Mahjong class! I finished my sewing project. It is not great but it is passable! I learned how to sew in a zipper. It is a bag to hold Mahjong tiles. I also made a small envelope style bag to hold my Mahjong...