I use little snack size plastic bags a few times a week.

I feel less wasteful because I use the small ones and as we have discussed in the past I like small things. I was almost out so being a responsible adult I bought new bags while I still had one left in the old box.
I bought bags that have all fun colors.

Now, I use these bags to hold a single small granola bar on my kitchen counter. No one sees this but my husband and I. I went to use a bag and I had to make a terrible decision. Do I open the new box filled with fun colors or use the plain old clear plastic bag still left? I cannot believe that I am this old and still have this kind of reaction to things that are new or different. I am a marketing companies best friend. Just put NEW on the box and I am hooked.
Also – I am a little sleepy and cranky. I was sleeping with a sinus headache so not sleeping well and someone decided to be a pain in the ass this morning.
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