I have been feeling “funny” the last day or so and can’t quite put my finger on it.
I just looked down at my Garmin and my heart rate was 50! That’s super low for me. Heart Rates are funny. I take a beta-blocker for high blood pressure so my heart rate is regulated from going to high but chemo drugs do weird things to your heart-rate.
When I was on the terrible trio of Avastin-Topotican-Taxol my heart rate would plummet after chemo, just plummet! Down into the low 40’s if I remember correctly. Having high blood pressure all of my life for absolutely no reason makes you feel slightly anxious a lot because your brain confuses the high BP for actual anxiety. Having your heart rate suddenly much slower than you’re used to is just confusing to my brain.
The chemo drugs I am on now can cause weirdness with your heart so I have an echo done every three months. I just had one done last week but they haven’t given me any results. I need to find a new place to get them done because I do not like this one. Frequently my oncologists office doesn’t get notified that I had the test done and so they have to go digging for results.
All this just to say, I am skipping todays cardio, and this is what my heart rate has looked like for the last 24 hours, but it’s probably fine. Just weird body.

At least it settles down when I sleep.
Oh no…a day of just crochet. 🙂
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