I cannot think of a pithy title
What do you think of AI?
I did not watch the VP debate last night. I turned it on for a couple of moments a few times and then turned it off when they annoyed me. I do not particularly like Walz as a VP candidate but I actively dislike Vance. I knew nothing that either said would change my vote, so at this point, no point in punishing myself.
Slept terribly (a-fuckin’-gain) but for the first time in 6 days I did not wake up with a headache. I have had an air cleaner going full blast in the bedroom since this weekend to pull out some allergens and yesterday I added Claritin back to my daily plan. Geesh. I do not know how I am still losing weight with the amount of calories I am getting just from pills. Went out to dinner with my sister last night and ate a weeks worth of calories to balance out the Boniva I took this morning which seems to be responsible for my weight loss. Well, that and my lack of junk and sugar.
I watched the first misses in the sky over Tel Aviv yesterday and was moments away from panic. I cannot believe we are fulfilling all the sci-fi prophecies of my childhood still. At some point don’t we need to evolve?
WELL that was a lot of negativity!
I have challenged myself to write everyday in October (ish) in cursive on actual paper just to get back in practice and see if my writing improves. It surprised me how much of a struggle it is to slow myself down to write and also to keep it in cursive! I downloaded a positive quote a day app and will write it daily (ish) to keep things moving. The first quote I got was;
Patience is a form of wisdom. It is the proof that we understand and accept the fact that sometimes things must unfold in their own time. – Jon Kabat-Zin
The app is called Happy

I have finally gotten far enough that I actually want to keep going on this project. The yarn is Truboo a bamboo blend and is soft and silky with a lovely drape but it is also very splitty and thin so it is slow going. once the pattern was established in my brain it was much faster. I still think it will be weeks before I finish so I just need to stop myself from stopping because I get frustrated.
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