My new pattern for the last couple of weeks includes a few hours of sitting with a crochet project and mindless television going in the background. This keeps both my hands and my brain occupied without the use of a tablet and news/social media intruding on my fantasy life....
Articles for April 2020
Why I am Better (at this) than You
I was taught that no matter how hard I tried to do something it was not going to be enough. There was always going to be something that could be done better. That translated into always having to prove that I could do things as an adult. I mean...
No Really…
Today is a cranky day. I am cranky. I wallow in my crankiness today. Since my instagram is Cranky_Tracy this should not be a surprise to anyone. On a whim I searched for my CrankyVegetarian Insty as a domain and got it! So whomever let lapse, thanks! Yesterday...
Sleepy heart-rate
So a few weeks ago I noticed the Stress Setting on my Garmin App had weirdness when it came to sleeping. I’ve always had difficulty sleeping. I fall asleep quickly but then wake up frequently. Last night was terrible. This morning when I became coherent I checked my Garmin...
Protected: Fuck Off
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Another Scathingly Brilliant Idea!
Here’s what we should do. Every person should buy a $20.00 gift card from one of their favorite local businesses and mail it to me with in a self-addressed stamped envelope. I’ll collect them for say , a month, and then at the end of month I will do...